Dan Van Ommen: Red Sea moments
Most of us, sometime in our life, will experience a Red Sea moment.
It seems that most of us, at some time in our lives would like to experience a Red Sea moment. In the Old Testament book of Exodus, chapter 14, Moses stood on the shore of the Red Sea. There was no denying that almighty God was also present there, providing an exceptional way out of a life-and-death situation. What took place was an unmistakable miracle.
The people of Israel faced a valley of despair on their first leg of what became, a 40-year journey of trial and deliverance. They may have left Egypt with a sense of victory in their hearts, perhaps trusting that their journey would be relatively uneventful.
They were traveling to a promised land; “flowing with milk and honey,” ( Joshua 5:6). They received a promise, but not yet. They had arrived at the Red Sea, a body of water that was impossible to cross.

To make matters worse, Pharaoh commanded the soldiers of Egypt to follow the Israelites and put an end to their exodus. It appeared to be hopeless, with the Red Sea before them and the Egyptian soldiers behind them. The people cried out to Moses, their leader, accusing him of taking them on this journey ... only to die.
Many of us can relate to this seemingly impossible situation. In our lives, we often set out to take action to accomplish dreams, and suddenly a great obstacle stands in our way. It’s not as clear sailing as we expected; in fact, our personal journey may seem impossible.
Moses, who led the departure from Egypt, now stood on the shore of the Red Sea. According to Exodus 14:21, “he stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land; and the waters were divided.” Now the journey to the promised land was ready to move forward.
I would like to suggest that the almighty, who parted the Red Sea, still tells us to move forward; even in the face of seemingly impossible obstacles. The Lord, I believe, asks us to go forward because he can see what we, in our limited finite state, can not see. Just as the Lord, through Moses, asked the Israelites to obey his commands and continue their journey, he asks us to press on.
Moving forward in tough times will continually test our faith and trust in God. The sea that stands in our way does not part until we begin to face it ... head on.
Furthermore, if we feel we are going to “part the seas” in our own strength, we will find it impossible. I believe that faith and a personal relationship with the Lord is essential. The words of the old hymn express it well, “faith is the victory that overcomes the world.”
However, the strength to move forward can also be found in receiving the love, prayers and support from friends and family members. We too can be a blessing, as we serve others in need. Even a simple task, like spending time with a friend, just to help them get through the next hour or the next day, can reinforce and refocus our lives outward.
Most of us, sometime in our life, will experience a Red Sea moment. I would like to suggest that when we find ourselves in a challenging situation, we look, with faith to the Lord. Plug into the concept that God is around, interested and waiting to reveal himself. We often pray for Red Sea-type miracles; but usually receive smaller glimpses of God; which remind us that he is there.
I have recognized God in the 3 a.m. text from a friend with a word of encouragement or a Bible verse that I needed at just that moment. The Holy Spirit has whispered words of comfort to my soul when I was silent enough to listen. The comfort of the Lord has often been in the written and spoken words of friends and family who remind me that this earthly pilgrimage is not a solo project ... we really do need each other.
In his marvelous and sometimes mysterious ways, our heavenly Father keeps a faithful watch. It is often, for us, a long arduous process, but in the end it’s worth the effort.
And just think of what John the divine told us in the last book of the Bible, Revelation, 21:5, when he shared the words of the Great Creator: “Behold, I am making all things new.” Amen!
— Dan Van Ommen is a Zeeland resident and a member of the Reformed Church in America. Contact him at dan.vanommen@gmail.com.